
Here are the available settings.

Setting Type Default Description
ALLOW_CONNECTION_AS_DEFAULT_NESTED_TO_MANY_FIELD bool False Should DjangoConnectionField be allowed to be generated for nested to-many fields if the ObjectType has a connection? If False (default), always use DjangoListFields. Doesn't prevent defining a DjangoConnectionField on the ObjectType manually.
DEFAULT_FILTERSET_CLASS str "" The default filterset class to use.
DISABLE_ONLY_FIELDS_OPTIMIZATION str False Set to True to disable optimizing fetched fields with queryset.only().
MAX_COMPLEXITY int 10 Default max number of select_related and prefetch_related joins optimizer is allowed to optimize.
OPTIMIZER_MARK str "_optimized" Key used mark if a queryset has been optimized by the query optimizer.
PREFETCH_COUNT_KEY str "_optimizer_count" Name used for annotating the prefetched queryset total count.
PREFETCH_PARTITION_INDEX str "_optimizer_partition_index" Name used for aliasing the prefetched queryset partition index.
PREFETCH_SLICE_START str "_optimizer_slice_start" Name used for aliasing the prefetched queryset slice start.
PREFETCH_SLICE_STOP str "_optimizer_slice_stop" Name used for aliasing the prefetched queryset slice end.
SKIP_OPTIMIZATION_ON_ERROR bool False If there is an unexpected error, should the optimizer skip optimization (True) or throw an error (False)?
TOTAL_COUNT_FIELD str "totalCount" The field name to use for fetching total count in connection fields.

Set them under the GRAPHQL_QUERY_OPTIMIZER key in your projects like this:
