

Custom base class for GraphQL-mutations that are backed by a Django model. Has three subclasses: CreateMutation, UpdateMutation and DeleteMutation, which should cover most use cases, but custom mutations can also be created.

from graphene_django_extensions import CreateMutation, UpdateMutation, DeleteMutation

class ExampleCreateMutation(CreateMutation):
    class Meta:
        model = Example
        serializer_class = ExampleSerializer

class ExampleUpdateMutation(UpdateMutation):
    class Meta:
        model = Example
        serializer_class = ExampleSerializer

class ExampleDeleteMutation(DeleteMutation):
    class Meta:
        model = Example

Adds the following features to all types that inherit it:

  • For update operations, converts all fields to optional fields, enabling partial updates.
  • Can add permission checks via permission classes.
  • Converts and formats errors raised from serializers (also nested ones) into GraphQL errors.
  • Checks for missing object types for nested model serializer fields to avoid nebulous import order errors.

Permission errors🔗

If a permission check for a mutation fails, an error like this will be raised:

    "errors": [
            "message": "No permission to create.",
            "path": ["createExample"],
            "extensions": {"code": "CREATE_PERMISSION_DENIED"},
            "locations": [{"line": 1, "column": 63}]

The message and code depends on the operation type, and can be changed using the following settings.

Operation Message setting Message default Code setting Code default

More on permissions on the permissions page.

Field level errors🔗

If a mutation serializer raises a ValidationError, the errors will be converted into a single GraphQL error with all the individual field error messages and codes included:

    "errors": [
            "message": "Mutation was unsuccessful.",
            "path": ["createExample"],
            "extensions": {
                "code": "MUTATION_VALIDATION_ERROR",
                "errors": [
                        "field": "number",
                        "message": "Number must be positive.",
                        "code": "invalid"
                        "field": "number",
                        "message": "Number must be an even.",
                        "code": ""
                        "field": "text",
                        "message": "Text must be at least 10 characters long.",
                        "code": "invalid"
            "locations": [{"line": 1, "column": 63}]

If the error is raised from a nested serializer (when creating sub entities along with the parent entity, see NestingModelSerializer below), the field will include the dotted path to the sub entity where the field is located:

    "errors": [
            "message": "Mutation was unsuccessful.",
            "path": ["createExample"],
            "extensions": {
                "code": "MUTATION_VALIDATION_ERROR",
                "errors": [
                        "field": "subEntry.number",
                        "message": "Number must be positive.",
                        "code": "invalid"
            "locations": [{"line": 1, "column": 63}]

The following options can be set in the Meta-class.

Option Type Description
model type[Model] Required (delete only). Model class for the model the operation is performed on.
serializer_class type[ModelSerializer] Required (create and update only). The serializer used for the mutation.
output_serializer_class type[ModelSerializer] Optional. The serializer used for the output data. If not set, serializer_class is used. Serializer fields are modified so that all fields are optional, enabling partial updates.
permission_classes list[type[BasePermission]] Optional. Set permission classes for the mutation. Defaults to (AllowAny,).
lookup_field str Optional. The field used for looking up the instance to be mutated. Defaults to the object's primary key, which is usually id. Note that the lookup_field attribute has to be available from the serializer's Meta.fields definition.
form_class type[ModelForm] Optional. Can be used instead of serializer_class.
output_form_class type[ModelForm] Optional. Can be used instead of output_serializer_class

Custom mutations🔗

Custom mutations can be created by subclassing DjangoMutation and implementing the custom_mutation method. serializer_class and output_serializer_class can be set in the Meta-class, and will be converted to the mutation's input and output types. If output_serializer_class is not set, serializer_class will be used for both input and output types.

from graphene_django_extensions.bases import DjangoMutation

class ExampleCustomMutation(DjangoMutation):
    class Meta:
        serializer_class = ExampleInputSerializer
        output_serializer_class = ExampleOutputSerializer

    def custom_mutation(cls, info, **kwargs):
        # Do custom logic here.
        # `kwargs` have already been validated by the serializer.
        return cls(...)

Like model mutations, form_class and output_form_class can be used instead of serializer_class and output_serializer_class.


A custom ModelSerializer that contains logic for updating and creating related models when they are included as nested serializer fields:

from graphene_django_extensions import NestingModelSerializer

class SubSerializer(NestingModelSerializer):
    class Meta:
        model = Sub
        fields = ["pk", "sub_field"]

class MainSerializer(NestingModelSerializer):
    sub_entry = SubSerializer()

    class Meta:
        model = Main
        fields = ["pk", "main_field", "sub_entry"]

When using the above serializers with the following data:

    "main_field": "foo",
    "sub_entities": {
        "sub_field": "bar"

This will create the Main entity and the Sub entity, and link the Sub entity to the Main entity.

If instead this is used:

    "pk": 1,
    "sub_entities": {
        "sub_field": "bar"

This will update the Main entity with pk=1, and create a new Sub entity and link it to the Main entity.

We can also link an existing Sub entity to the Main entity on update or create:

    "main_field": "foo",
    "sub_entities": {
        "pk": 2

If the Sub entity does not exist, a 404 error will be raised. If the sub entity is already linked to another Main entity, this will be a no-op.

If the pk field is included in the subquery, the existing Sub entity will be updated:

    "main_field": "foo",
    "sub_entities": {
        "pk": 2,
        "sub_field": "value"

For to_many relations, the serializer field must use many=True:

class MainSerializer(NestingModelSerializer):
    sub_entry = SubSerializer(many=True)

Same logic applies for to_many relations, but if the relation is a one_to_many relation, and the relation is updated, any existing related entities that were not included in the request will be deleted (e.g. Sub entity with pk=1 could have been deleted here):

    "pk": 1,
    "sub_entities": [
        {"pk": 2},
        {"sub_field": "value"}